August 18, 2023

August 18, 2023

sticky note that says out of business

How Company Leaders Can Manage Corporate Insolvency

Early identification and prevention of insolvency involves monitoring cash flow and implementing cost-cutting measures. Re-evaluating business operations can involve refinancing debts, raising additional capital, and selling non-essential assets. Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a strategic survival tool, guiding repayment plans and company operations. Effective insolvency management involves stakeholder communication, expert engagement, and seizing […]

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Worker receiving first aid after an accident at the workplace.

Reducing Accidents at Work – A Must for Business Owners

A total of 5,190 work-related fatalities were recorded in the US in 2021. Training employees and providing regular safety courses can reduce the risk of accidents. Conducting safety audits and implementing safety standards can also help identify potential hazards and prevent incidents. Maintaining a clean, organized workplace and encouraging accident reporting is vital to prioritizing

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