What’s Next After the Flood?


One of the most difficult things that can happen to a homeowner is to have a flooded home. The damage that floods can give a home may need extensive repairs. Once the storms have passed and safety has been ensured, what are the things that you need to do?

Clear the Water

Before treading in any flooded area, make sure to turn off the electricity. The first place to check is the basement. For a quick cleanup, invest in a reliable transfer pump. You can click here for more information for a rundown of what’s best on the market.

Do not forget to wear boots and gloves while clearing flooded areas. This is to prevent coming into close contact with contaminated water. Open the windows to help to dry out places where some moisture is still found. This will also help with good water circulation.

Do Not Let Mold Take Hold

It takes a day or two for mold to develop in wet areas or items. Mold can bring about many health issues. Also, once mold goes unchecked, it can bring great damage to any surface or item.

Wet items such as carpets and bedding exposed to flood water for less than 48 hours stands a good chance. A considerable amount of time under the sun can dry some items and mitigate the growth of mold. But, when in doubt, it is best to discard the items that are heavily damaged by floodwater.

Cleaning surfaces with mold can be done with a few simple steps. You may also call in a professional to be sure.

Check for Damage

flooded home

Stagnant water can do much damage to a home. Wood furniture exposed to it can rot or swell. Electrical outlets can have short circuits. Wall boards, where water has leaked, will disintegrate if left unattended. Check for these things once you have removed flood water from your home. An immediate repair will save you from hazards and will cut bigger costs.

Contact Your Insurance Agent

Before doing any cleanup in your flooded home, it is wise to take pictures and videos. This will give your agent an accurate idea of the extent of the damage. They may give instructions on how far you can go with the repair or cleanup. Be sure to follow their directions well. This will increase your chances of higher coverage. An adjuster will come to your property to inspect everything. After this, you can settle your claims.

Rebuild and Floodproof

Once the storm has passed and the flood water removed from your house, you can now make it better. There is no guarantee that you will never experience floods again. But there are ways to avoid them. One way is to elevate areas prone to flooding. Sandbags are also good preventive measures.

For the interior, you can also apply coatings and sealants to walls, windows, and doorways. Have an electrician raise your electrical outlets and switches. You may avail of the services of a contractor to help you rebuild your home better.

When a flood hits, focus on the safety of yourself and your family. Then after dealing with the damage, be more proactive in preparation for the next one.

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