What Does Cremation Entail?


The loss of a loved one can be a difficult time, but there are things that need to be taken care of immediately following the loss in order to ensure they’re laid to rest and that everyone has the time to grieve together. In many cases, this means tackling the topic of burials versus cremation. Cremation is a popular way to honor a loved one, but what does it entail? The channel, Are you dying to know, takes a closer look at the cremation process and how cremation services work to demystify it.

How Long Does Cremation Take?
Cremation generally takes anywhere from an hour to a few hours.

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This will vary based on a wide range of factors, including the size of the person and the material being cremated. In any case, the process is typically quite fast.

What Happens With the Remains
Ashes are collected from the cremator and then further broken down to make sure there are no solid pieces. This process is relatively fast as well. Once everything is broken down, the ashes are then placed into a box, which is given to the family or to a funeral home, who will then put it in an urn.

What Do Families Do After?
Some families prefer to hold onto ashes or even put them in a memorial site. Others may choose to scatter them. Regardless of what a family chooses to do or what a loved one’s last wishes are, there are plenty of choices.

Cremation services are one option worth considering after a loved one passes. However, some can hesitate to pursue these services because they don’t know enough about them. If cremation is an option that’s being weighed, this overview offers more information about how everything works and what to expect moving forward.

Cremation services are one option worth considering

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