Brand Awareness: Maximizing Giveaways to Promote Your Business


Modern consumers have grown cautious and picky when it comes to selecting brands. Most of them know how to perform quick searches and background checks whenever they hear about a new brand or product. They are aware of the risks of trusting a new brand. With this in mind, you need to do your best to grab their attention. Using smart business strategies, you need to find a way to convince them to try out your products and services.

When introducing a new brand, most business owners try their best to make a lasting first impression to potential customers. This way, they can increase their chances of getting noticed even when they are part of a competitive industry. If you are also in the process of promoting your new brand, you have to come up with clever ways to encourage people to check out your brand.

Using Promotional Products to Promote Your Business

People love gifts and giveaways, and they often recall brands that provide them with a simple token. In fact, a study revealed that 85% of consumers remember brands that gave away gifts such as hats or t-shirts. Another study showed that 76% of clients are impressed with brands that gave away promotional products. This only shows that people appreciate simple gifts. Thus, you need to take advantage of the fact that people appreciate brands that provide giveaways.

The challenge of using promotional products to promote your brand is that not everyone may appreciate the item you plan to give away. This is why it’s crucial to select a promotional product that provides value to consumers. Thus, aside from ensuring that your brand is embedded in the items, you have to make sure that they will be of use to people who will receive them. One of the most common mistakes that brands make is that they forget the importance of providing value to customers. As a result, they end up turning off potential clients. If you want to avoid this, you need to learn the most effective approach in using promotional products to increase brand awareness. Consider using the following tips to get started:

business meeting concept

  • Prepare a surprise for potential clients—If you want people to start talking about your brand, you need to do something remarkable. This means you need to exceed their expectations. To do this, consider preparing surprises, especially for those who are showing interest in your brand. For instance, you can give freebies to your first ten customers during your opening day. During a trade show or a networking event, give away items that other companies don’t usually provide. Do away with pens or items that are irrelevant to your target audience.
  • Give away products they can actually use—Stick to providing value by giving away products that people actually use. For instance, you can give away recyclable tote bags, flash drives, tumblers, and other useful items. If you are confused about the best items to use, perform quick research and find out what your potential audience may be interested in.
  • Avoid filling the items with your brand name—The goal for providing giveaways is to increase brand awareness. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to spell out your company’s name on the item you plan to give away. A simple logo or a small brand name will suffice. Keep in mind that some people don’t want to show off brand names, especially if they are not yet familiar with that specific company. Thus, avoid the mistake of printing out large company names or brand logos that are too noticeable.
  • Consider offering customized items—The purpose of giving away promotional products is to make a lasting impression for your brand. To do this, consider offering customized items. For instance, prepare a registration process for your clients if you are planning to host an event. This way, you can get their names. With this, you can print or embed their names on your promotional products. Your clients will appreciate that you took some time and made an effort to provide them with personalized items.

Knowing how to use promotional items can help your brand stand out from the competition. Clients will appreciate your efforts, and they will realize that your company cares about consumers. The key is to let them know that trying your products and services is worth it. Aside from giving away promotional items, ensure that you can continue impressing consumers by providing them with high-quality services. Ensure that your brand will be known for being consistent in providing impressive products and impeccable services. This way, they will continue patronizing your brand even if other well-known brands are present in the market.

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