An Introduction to Basic Digital Marketing Strategy


The internet is a growing platform with new users every day. 

In fact, around five billion people use the Internet every day. That’s 63.1 percent of the world’s total population. This number continues to grow as more and more people gain access to the internet.

As more people go online, many businesses are taking this opportunity to expand their reach by marketing their products and services online. However, with so many companies competing for attention, it can be challenging to know where to start. 

This is where a digital marketing strategy comes in handy.

What Is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a process of using online channels to promote and sell products or services. It involves creating a plan and executing various tactics to reach potential customers.

There are many reasons businesses are using digital and content marketing strategies. For one, they can reach more audiences faster compared to traditional marketing strategies. It is also a more cost-effective strategy compared to other types of marketing, such as television or print advertising.

What Are the Different Types of Digital Marketing Strategies?

Digital marketing strategy development is a complex process, and businesses can use many types of digital marketing initiatives. Here are some of the most common and effective types of strategies currently used by businesses today:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Sixty-eight percent of online queries begin with search engines. Because of this, businesses invest heavily in SEO to ensure their website appears as the top result for relevant keywords.

SEO is the process of optimizing a website for Google’s search algorithm. This method includes things like adding relevant keywords to the website’s content, improving the website’s loading speed, and making sure the website is mobile-friendly. When done correctly, SEO can help a website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can result in more traffic and leads.

Social Media

With 4.62 billion users across the globe, social media marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies in your marketing toolbox. 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow businesses to connect with potential and current customers. Companies can use social media to share relevant content, promote special offers, and answer customer questions or concerns. Additionally, social media platforms can be helpful in running targeted advertising campaigns.

Email Marketing

This digital marketing strategy involves sending promotional or transactional messages to customers through email. It can help promote new products, share special offers, or keep existing customers up-to-date on company news.

Email marketing can effectively reach customers because it allows businesses to send personalized messages directly to their inboxes. Email marketing campaigns can also be automated, making them easier to manage and scale.

Content Marketing

Another way to reach your target audience is by creating and sharing engaging content. Many startup companies use this digital marketing strategy to attract new website visitors, convert leads into customers, or keep existing customers engaged. Small business marketing using content include creating blog posts, infographics, eBooks, whitepapers, and other forms of informative content. Businesses can build trust and credibility with their audience by providing relevant and valuable content.

What Is an Example of a Good Digital Marketing Strategy?

Business Plan Schedule Written on the Notebook
A digital marketing strategy that works can set you apart from the competition (Photo by Mikael Blomkvist via Pexels)

A good marketing strategy depends on the business’s goals and target audience. However, a few examples of successful digital marketing initiatives include the following:

Generating leads

Creating an eBook or whitepaper that can is downloadable from your website in exchange for contact information is a good strategy. This method lets you capture leads and add them to your sales pipeline.

Engaging customers

You can use social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook to run polls or contests encouraging customer engagement. It’s one of the best marketing tactics that can help increase brand awareness and build customer loyalty.

Improve website traffic

Adding engaging blog content to your website attracts new visitors. This strategy can help improve your website’s SEO and organic reach. In doing so, you’re more likely to generate leads and convert them into customers.

Seek feedback

Consumers are more likely to buy from brands they trust. Asking customers for their feedback shows that you’re interested in their opinions and willing to make improvements based on their suggestions.

How Do I Formulate a Digital Marketing Strategy?

The secrets of unlocking the best digital marketing strategy for your business lie within digital marketing strategy development. 

You don’t have to be a marketing expert to create an effective digital marketing strategy; understanding the basics of digital marketing is enough. Here’s a simple guide on how to develop a digital marketing strategy:

Define your goals

Start by identifying your business goals. What are you looking to achieve with your marketing initiatives? Do you want to generate more leads, improve customer engagement, or increase website traffic? Once you know your goals, you can start developing a plan to achieve them. You can use the SMART goal-setting methods to ensure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Identify your target audience

Who is your ideal customer? It would be best if you had a good understanding of your target audience before you can start developing your digital marketing strategy. Consider age, gender, location, and interests when defining your target audience. 

Research your competition

Take some time to research your competition. See what they’re doing well and identify areas where you can improve. This step will help you create a plan that gives you a competitive edge.

Develop your plan

After knowing the ins and outs of digital marketing and your competition, start developing your digital marketing strategy. Outline your methods to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals. After that, start working on creating content, building your website, and running digital marketing campaigns.

Take action

Formulating your digital marketing strategy is only the first step; you need to take action to make it work. Digital marketing is an ongoing process, so you’ll need to actualize your plan to see how well the strategy works. If you fail to take action, your strategy will only be a piece of paper. Plus, you’ll never know what works and doesn’t until you try it.

Monitor and adjust

Your digital marketing strategy is not set in stone. As your business grows and evolves, so too should your marketing initiatives. Monitor your performance regularly and make adjustments to ensure that you’re on track to achieving your goals. By doing so, you can ensure that your digital marketing strategy is always effective.

How To Do Effective Digital Marketing

Every digital marketing strategy is different, as it should follow the business’s unique needs. However, there are some common elements that all successful strategies share. Below are some components of an effective digital marketing strategy:

Focus on buyer persona

A primary marketing aspect that drives business growth relies on specific buyer personas. Focus on creating targeted content for a segmented audience.

Market segmentation focusing on buyer personas can help businesses better understand their target audience and how to reach them with the right message.

Use multiple channels

Digital marketing is unique in that it uses a variety of channels to reach potential customers. That’s why a good digital marketing strategy should consider using a mix of marketing efforts.

Businesses can generate leads, retain existing customers, and gain brand awareness by using multiple channels.

Measure ROI

Digital marketing requires predictive analytics, so businesses can set clear goals and track their return on investment (ROI). Companies should use analytics tools to understand which marketing initiatives are working and which need improvement. This data can help businesses save time and money by investing in the ideal digital marketing.

Gain consumer trust

Influencer marketing is a trending digital marketing strategy that helps businesses gain the trust of their target audience. This marketing technique involves partnering with thought leaders or celebrities in your industry to promote your product or service. By aligning with a trustworthy source, companies are more likely to improve their brand image and build consumer confidence.

Invest in digital marketing campaigns

The best digital strategy when it comes to marketing efforts is to invest in digital marketing campaigns. A digital marketing campaign is a series of online ads that promote a specific product or service. Digital marketing campaigns are an effective way to reach out to potential customers and generate leads. When you create engaging content, businesses can drive website traffic and conversions.


Digital marketing is vital for businesses looking to reach new customers and grow their brands. By applying the suggestions above, you can start formulating an effective digital marketing strategy for your business. Remember to monitor and adjust your plan as needed to ensure continued success. In doing so, you’ll be on your way to achieving your business goals.

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