Getting Your Loved One Get Out of Jail After a DUI Arrest


DUI arrests are quite common. In fact, according to the American Bureau of Transportation Statistics, around 1.4 million DUI arrests were made back in 2010, the highest arrest rate among major crimes. However, despite it being quite a common occurrence, not everyone knows what to do when their loved one, perhaps a friend or family member, gets arrested for drunk driving.

It can be quite a tricky situation, waking up in the middle of the night by a call and discovering that your loved one’s in jail after being arrested for a DUI charge, especially if you have no idea what to do. That said, we’ll be taking a look at steps you should take and certain tips you should consider when helping your friend get out of jail.

Compose Yourself

Getting a call about your friend or family getting held behind bars can elicit a lot of different responses, ranging from surprise, anger, confusion, and anxiety. Which is why it’s important for you to breathe and compose yourself. Being emotional would result in you not being able to do what’s best for your loved one. Remember, there are things that you’ll need to ask and take note of, so if you’re emotional, there’s a chance that you’d skip a few steps or forget to ask important details altogether. Consequently, being angry and/or spiteful to your arrested loved one would just end up adding more issues to an already tricky situation. So, breathe.

Ask and Advice

First off, it’s important that you ask and take note of where your loved one is being held. Ask about the arresting agency, and write down their address. During the call, you should advise your loved one to limit the information they provide and don’t answer before their lawyer arrives. You could also talk to the arresting authority and tell them not to ask any further questions until a lawyer arrives.

Get A Lawyer

close up shot of a lawyer shaking hands with a client

It may be the middle of the night, but there are some law firms and attorneys that are available 24/7. Getting a lawyer that specializes in DUIs would give your friend the best chance to not only get out of jail quickly but also to help them with their case. Even when found guilty, a good DUI lawyer can assist in minimizing the sentence and penalties.

Post Bail

When arrested, a bail amount is set. This amount needs to be paid in order to get your loved one out of jail. This serves as a security feature to help ensure that the one arrested would appear in court on the scheduled date. Otherwise, the bail amount would be forfeited. However, if you don’t have the money, you can always contact a bail bonds expert in Wake County to help you out in processing and posting bail and get your loved one out of jail fast.

After Getting Out of Jail

Once the bail has been posted, and your loved one is no longer behind bars, the next steps (court proceedings and so on) are practically between your loved one and the lawyer, but you can still be there to provide moral support. But of course, you have to remember that your loved one’s driver’s license is suspended, so you’ll need to ensure that they’d have transportation to get back home as they won’t be able to drive their car.


There’s no question that dealing with a situation like this can be quite challenging, especially if it’s your first time getting the call. But with these simple and easy to follow steps and tips, you’ll be able to get your friend out of jail a lot faster.

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