Got a Brick Business? You Can Do More with Bricks


If you’re selling bricks and thinking of ways to elevate your business, then you’ve come to the right place. It turns out that you can do more with them than plastering them on walls or fireplaces. With a brick engraving machine, you can offer the following to your customers:

1. Pet Headstone

Americans are not only adopting animals, but they’re also spending money on them even when they already die. According to the Cremation Association of North America (CANA), pet cremation is now one of the fastest-growing segments in the industry. Many studies try to explain the close relationship between humans and animals. Regardless of the level or degree, it all boils down to one thing: a lot see them as family that also deserves proper burial upon death. This makes brick pet headstone a lucrative market for you. Since many cemeteries still don’t accept pets, homeowners may choose to bury their furry loved ones in their yard with their names and images immortalized in the stone.

2. Promotional Product

Do you know you can give away bricks as promotional products? They are suitable for construction companies, schools, and organizations. These stones remind them of their profession or their teamwork. To make the bricks worthy, you can engrave the recipient’s name together with their logo or image. You can also choose among the different types of brick such as ash clay or engineered.

3. Kitchen Backsplash

Create some drama in the kitchen by installing bricks as a backsplash. They can provide an old-world or organic feel into the space. They can also create an excellent contrast against your stainless steel appliances or white countertops and cupboards. As long as they are not near the stove, then they’re good to go. Otherwise, another option is to transform one of the columns or vertical beams into brick pillars.

4. Garden Bed

Bricks are some of the excellent ways to increase the curb appeal of a home. They can serve as flooring for an exterior patio or pave a walkway. They can also be a garden bed. These materials are durable so that they can deal with growing plants. They can also help create boundaries for those who wish to classify their fruits and veggies according to species or types. They’re a nice way to create more garden space.

5. Cabin, Studio, or Shed

Fence made out of bricks

If homes can have a wood or metal shed, then why can’t they have a brick shed? These materials are quick and convenient to install, and they are strong enough to weather environmental elements. By adding a cabin, studio, or shed, homeowners can utilize their empty yards. They can even make extra income by renting the space through Airbnb or to friends and family who need a roof over their heads.

These ideas will already give you a nice head-start when you want to do more with your bricks. You can also start differentiating yourself from your competitors. As long as you open your mind to possibilities, you can certainly do more with them.

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