3 Time-and-Resource-Consuming Tasks Every Small and Medium Business Should Outsource


The Outsourcing Option for SMEs

When we talk about outsourcing, we often imagine big corporations delegating tasks to other businesses (like the booming BPO industry). However, outsourcing isn’t just for thriving companies; in fact, outsourcing is the perfect solution for small and medium enterprises when it comes to necessary tasks that require specific skills and resources or arduous and time-consuming errands.

Unlike these huge corporations, SMEs don’t have as many resources to acquire or train skilled staff and tools to perform very specific tasks. The outsourcing option allows SMEs to save time and resources and also ensure better quality output as their jobs are accomplished by companies that specialise in performing these tasks.

As such, we’ll be taking a look at the top 3 business tasks that SMEs should consider outsourcing immediately.


#1 Delivery

Unless you have an existing delivery vehicle, there’s no point in taking out a new auto loan and hiring a driver to deliver products to your clients and customers. The ‘traditional’ way is to purchase a vehicle, hire delivery staff (drivers and additional staff for manual lifting of heavy/bulky package), and manage logistics which requires a lot of money, time, and focus.

But, if you partner with your local delivery service company in Singapore, you won’t have to invest a lot of money in getting a delivery vehicle, nor would you have to deal with logistical headaches. However, you should be careful in choosing your delivery company, and find one that fits your business’ scale and is well-reviewed in terms of prompt and safe delivery of goods.

#2 Website Design and Optimization

Every business needs to have a website to increase its brand’s reach and visibility. Sure, there are a lot of platforms out there that allows you to create your business’ website easily. However, self-made websites can only do so much.

To reach more potential customers, improve the likelihood of your website visitors to do business with you, and ‘rank higher’ in search engine results when people search for specific products and/or services online through Google, you’ll want to leave it to the experts. You should partner with a digital marketing company that doesn’t only specialise on website design (to have a well-made, easy-to-navigate, and mobile-compatible website), but also in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


#3 Accounting and Taxation

Sure, you can always use one of that free or paid accounting software that allows you to do your business’ taxes much easier and with fewer errors than doing it manually. However, this takes up a lot of time, time you could be spending to grow your business or other more important matters.

Outsourcing your accounting to an accounting firm allows you to save both time and resources, further minimises the possibility of errors, and can even help you save more money by employing tax-reduction strategies that you may not even know of. There’s also the bonus of having the peace of mind knowing that all financial matters of your business are handled legally and professionally.


Outsourcing minimises losses and allows SMEs to focus their time and resources on more vital tasks. It’s indeed a more practical option rather than having to hire and train additional staffing and needlessly purchasing task-specific tools and equipment. The tasks outlined above are only a few of the many business tasks you can outsource, but it’s always important to vet the right company to outsource to.

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