Things to Consider in Choosing the Right Location for Your Office Space


Company owners looking for a place to set up their new office will often consider only the price and size of the space. It can be because they can adapt to any working environment and can be productive anywhere. Or maybe they know they can renovate it and make the office look good internally.

But one factor that’s often put behind the spotlight is the location. Location should be the number one priority of business owners when looking for office space. Where you choose to set up your office will affect your operations, sales, staff, brand image. So you should be wary about selecting the perfect location for your office. Here are some things to consider.


The location of your office should be accessible not only for you but for your employees as well. They’ll be going to and from your office every day, so you have to make sure it’s easy for them. Otherwise, your employees will be drained from the long travel, which will affect their productivity at work.

You can’t find a location that will work for all your employees. That’s not what we’re asking you to do. You can’t change your employees’ choice in their place of residence. But what you can do is to make your office accessible. Find a location that has access to different modes of public transportation. It should be easy to find and easy to go to.

Your office should also be close to establishments like restaurants, coffee shops, convenience stores, etc. This is to make sure your employees will go about their workday conveniently without worrying about where to eat or get their morning coffee.

There are a lot of office spaces for rent located in excellent and accessible locations in Chandler.

Expect growth

growing company

Say you have around 50 employees in your company. No doubt, you’re going to need an office space for each of them. The recommended office space per employee is 70 square feet. So you’ll be looking for a space that can fit all your employees and give them the ideal office space size.

But don’t get a place that is exactly just right for the number of employees you have. You never know what’s going to happen to your business, so it’s good to prepare for growth.

Maybe a year from now you’ll be needing more employees. You can’t cramp them all up in the small office space you bought just recently. Think forward and get an office space that can accommodate how you want to see your company a few years from now. Find a space that can adjust and grow with you. That will save you the hassle of having to find a new location again in the long run.

Target market

When it comes to your business, your target market should be in mind with every action you take. That’s true even in choosing an office space.

Who is your target market? Whether it be young professionals or other business owners, etc. you have to make sure that the location of your office space has a community that includes the people you’re trying to reach. It won’t make sense for you to put up an office in the countryside if your target market is in the business sector, right? You won’t be able to reach your target market if that’s the case.

A lot of factors come into choosing an office space. But beyond price, a more important thing to consider is the location. Where you choose to set up your office will affect a lot of areas of your business. So choose wisely.

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