Are You Moving to Spain for the Wrong Reason?


Spain has been an expat haven over the past decades, primarily to countless Brits who have been calling it home forever. The country has excellent food, pleasant weather, rich culture, and free healthcare, magnetising foreigners of all ages across the world.

This part of the Mediterranean, however, is not for everyone. It has many imperfections that make it somewhat disappointing to some expatriates who settled in with wrong expectations. Reputable expat funeral plan providers in Spain say that the country might not be the best place for migration if the following things are your goals:

To Look for a Job

Spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe, which has been going on for a long time now. Before, the real estate sector was a generous job provider to foreigners, but those pockets of opportunity vanished when the global housing recession hit the country hard.

The economy is recovering slowly, thanks to foreign investors, but it can be hard to compete for positions in specific industries because of so many jobless locals. Even if you manage to get employed, do not expect to receive attractive wages. Businesses can’t afford to pay workers much due to the economic climate, so your finances might suffer unless you adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

The country is more suitable to retirees that live on a pension. Receiving a regular income, regardless of one’s employment status, is practically a luxury in Spain.

To Seek Career Growth 

If you plan to move to Spain to grow professionally, you probably should reconsider. Again, the country is not exactly known for job security right now. You might be hard-pressed to find career opportunities in your preferred line of work.

To Start a Business 

Spain is open for business, of course, but you are free to fill the void left by many companies. But entrepreneurship in this country presents a unique set of challenges.

First, bureaucracy. If you are initially from outside of Europe, you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get all of the necessary paperwork set.

Second, do not expect your business to operate during the hours you are accustomed to; the Spaniards have a laidback lifestyle with midday siestas, and time can move slowly.

Third, August is generally bad for business since most of the country is on vacation. So, if you want to get things done, you have to finish them before summer, or else you might need to wait for several weeks more.

To Buy a House 

house's windows

Strictly speaking, the Spanish real estate market belongs to buyers. Although reports say that land values have returned to their pre-crisis levels, you can still find relatively cheap houses on the market. As an investor, you have plenty of attractive options to choose from.

But if you are buying a property as a primary residence, think again. This might only be a wise idea if you truly want to stay in Spain for good. If you are still young, you probably do not want to be tied to a property you might never use when you decide to live for greener pastures. The large property inventory means that you need to drop your asking price so low to get your house sold.

Spain is so beautiful that many expats think that it is always sunny on this side of the Mediterranean. But if you still want to move here, be creative to tiptoe around the country’s drawbacks to enjoy the best of what it offers.

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