Boarding Schools: Quality Education Away from Home


Education facilitates learning and provides the knowledge that children need in order to develop in multiple ways. Those who are privileged enough to have access to institutions and educators that are capable of imparting exceptional teachings are known to have greater opportunities in life compared to those who do not. Parents are privy to this fact, which is why many are willing to spend a sizable amount of money to guarantee their children a bright future.

Among the many selections available in AU and NZ cities ― from public schools to homeschooling ― boarding schools have grown in notoriety for the many ‘horror stories’ borne out of their halls. Dialogue has been continuous as a result, as parents and nation leaders alike debate about its existence.

There are those who think that the boarding school system needs to be abolished. This is because many perceive it to be too ‘old-fashioned’ and restricting, similar to firms with its rigid schedules, dour halls, and outfits that are similar to corporate uniforms, all of which are apparently not optimal to children’s growth. Additionally, there is a widespread notion that boarding schools are grounds where rich, unloving parents send their misbehaving children after they have crossed the proverbial line.

On the other hand, some people believe that parents who choose to deal with empty nest syndrome are extremely dedicated to delivering the best kind of education that money can offer. They also believe that the unique boarding school system is capable of producing more well-rounded and mature students compared to its counterpart institutions.

Parents who are still hesitant of sending their children to boarding schools due to the horror stories that plague the media should consider the following benefits this institution has to offer.

Independence and Responsibility

The boarding school system teaches its students how to adapt without having a parent to coddle them. As a result, boarders also learn independence and responsibility outside of the classrooms, as they learn how to care for themselves while maintaining the order of their new home.

This means managing their time between studies and play, having a chore schedule, and caring for their physical and mental health. This will, later on, lead to them being more mature than their peers who did not attend boarding schools.

High-Pressure Education

Pupils Wearing School Uniform In Computer Class

Boarding schools are known for the intense academic experience they offer. Educators in this institution want to ensure that their charges deliver good news to their parents come the time of grade release. As a result, students are more focused.

Being surrounded by peers who want to do well in their classes and extracurricular encourages individuals to be more studious and organized. Time management is a skill they learn, as they try to fit in as many activities as they can in a day.

Found Family

Homesickness is a negative effect of attending boarding school, but boarders learn to adapt and develop better social skills. In the halls of their new home, students create relations with classmates and roommates alike. With time, these friendships progress into close relationships similar to ones the students have with their family.

Despite its bad reputation, boarding schools are similar to any other school system in that it seeks to produce individuals who are ready to tackle adulthood. The belief that they are prisons for troubled children should be eradicated because this notion blinds parents from the opportunity of giving their kids quality education.

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