Online Selling 101: Trend Your Way to Business Success


Online selling is one of the new ways young entrepreneurs do their business. With the advent of social media, more are empowered to sell through Facebook and Instagram. From little hair accessories to expensive trading cards, most are digging through their interests and hobbies to profit, while everyone is cooped up in their homes.

Selling online nowadays is considered the norm. Most are in home quarantine and keeping away from crowded areas such as malls and shopping centers. Selling online is a great opportunity even for small players and businessmen. Everyone has a level playing field on the Internet. Adding a little spice to your product can make your business boom.

Online Listings

It is obvious that, first, you must claim territory on the biggest online listings. eBay and Craigslist are two of the most famous online listings on the Internet. Having a presence within those two is integral even for the smallest business. It eases the algorithm into making your product appear on the top of simple searches. Putting your product on eBay shows how confident you are in your product. eBay has global reach, and you will have a chance to connect with an overseas market that may be interested in your product.

Social Media

using her phone

Of course, it is a no-brainer that you must use social media to connect to your market. There is a projected amount of 4.4 billion users of social media by the year 2025. Facebook Marketplace and Instagram are two great start-off points for young businesses. Aside from having the social media presence to accept inquiries, it is also a great way to showcase your products.

Also, these platforms are equipped with tools to help you market your product. Facebook Marketplace has a feature with which you can sell your stuff as a legitimate and certified seller. It also has a feature with which nearby sellers can be located and contacted by potential buyers.


Online selling is no different from personally selling your product. Even a market planner will tell you that even in online selling, marketing is still an important part of businesses—whether you are selling a service or selling a product. Do everything you can to communicate with your buyers more. Since everything can be done online, communication has become more expedient.

Engaging in aggressive online marketing styles is highly advisable given that the digital world is a vast arena. There may be a chance that your efforts to market might not even make a dent in your target market’s time.

Unique Selling Point

Finding your unique selling point is vital to succeed in marketing your product or service. Your unique selling point is the feature that differentiates your product from other products. There may be millions of other people selling the same thing as yours. Finding your unique selling point will boost your popularity above all else. If you are selling the same product or service as other people’s, you might want to consider advancing a perk or reward when purchasing from you.

Product Quality and Service Reliability

You have to make sure that your product or service is polished and as you advertised. It is very common for some online sellers to get extremely clever when it comes to delivering a lower-quality product or service. Sometimes, buyers get too wary of ordering online mainly because of trust issues with a seller that they will never get to meet in person. Online fraud is on the rise in e-commerce and online retailers.

There are many protections placed by online platforms for both the seller and the buyer in case one of them decides to breach the trust placed. As sellers, however, we want to make sure that we deliver only what we have advertised online. Buyers nowadays are empowered to leave reviews and comments on the sellers’ pages. One bad review might spell disaster and discourage future potential buyers from purchasing your products. Also, bad products and services can easily go viral at the whim of the seller.

There are many risks involved in selling through online platforms. Now that unemployment is up and going outside is risky, people have resorted to selling their merchandise and services online. Now that everyone is given access to the more famous platforms, communication and understanding between the buyer and the seller have never been easier.

To capitalize on this opportunity perfectly, you must be able to plan your next moves and exploit the fact that everyone can sell anything through the digital market. Like selling products personally and face to face, you must realize that selling online is no different. Marketing yourself, finding the right location, and planting yourself with a unique selling point are all fundamental matters that you, as a businessperson, must be able to understand and learn.

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