Waste Management and How to Do It


According to the Environmental Literacy Council, there are different kinds of wastes. The first is called natural wastes. Included in this are all the remnants released by animals to go on with the circle of life. Excretions and discharges are used as fertilisers in the soil for nutrients. Natural wastes also include remains of animals who died. They are buried underground, and upon decomposing, their nutrients will also transfer back to the soil.

The second type is municipal solid waste. These are all the trash that is thrown by restaurants, companies, businesses, schools, malls, groceries and stores. They may include plastics, papers, metals, boxes and leftover food. This has the highest volume in all of the types of wastes. It is harder to dispose of properly since plastics are non-biodegradable. They are one of the biggest threats to the Earth’s survival because of it negatively affecting the survival of animals and other living organisms. Plastics may decompose after a long time and could take years and years.

The third type is the hazardous wastes, and it is commonly the toxic and combustible items. The law of the land mandates the disposal of these. Hospitals and industrial factories should follow the proper waste management of their materials. Improper handling may result in consequences and punishments. It is safe for everyone’s health to be away from this kind of trash.

The last is called the e-waste, which is frequently thrown by offices. These are all the appliances which are malfunctioning or old already like computers, laptops, gadgets, machines, televisions and more. Management of these items may be through restoring it or by using some of its parts.

How can a simple individual control and dispose of his trash well? Here are some suggestions on how to do it.

1. Clearance

Rubbish clearance in Maidstone is an effective strategy for busy individuals. They may hire the services of professionals for a fee. Cleaning can be done anywhere from houses to buildings. The easiest part is that you will not do anything. They can clean up and do the proper disposal of trash. Just remember to ask what are the things that they cannot take and dispose of for you.

2. 3Rs

Follow the 3Rs of waste management. Reduce the use of something most, especially papers. Reuse plastic bags and paper bags to lessen trash. Keep things that can be used again. Recycle objects like bottles and boxes to make something useful out of it.

3. Bins

Trash bins

Bins should be placed and labelled accordingly. There should be one for biodegradable, non-biodegradable and bottles. This can help identify which rubbish may quickly decompose and which needs to be disposed of in another site.

Waste management is a practice that is continuously learned and developed by people. It is the proper disposal of all kinds of wastes, whether it is in solid or liquid form. The goal of the management of wastes is to decrease the amount of pollution and to find out the alternative options on how to dispose of different kinds of trash effectively without manifesting a harmful effect on the Earth’s environment.

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