What You Should Consider Before Building a Pool


Let us all admit it—having a pool at home is one of the best things that can happen to our home-owning journey. A pool can be used for exercise, having fun, or just relaxing in general. Having one at home will lessen the chances of you swimming in a public pool with at least strangers who might be urinating and subsequently contaminating the water.

Why should you get a pool built?

If you happen to be a fan of swimming, you can have easy access to your favorite hobby. You can also teach your kids and pets how to swim. That skill is a good one to have in hand, especially during unexpected situations in the water. How can we say so? Among the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries, New Zealand has the highest drowning rates.

This fact alone makes pools a benefit for most people because they can learn how to swim and get used to doing so. However, if the owner fails to effectively manage it, owning a pool can cost a lot of money when it comes to maintenance—worse, the pool can even be a source of serious injuries.

What should you take into consideration?

When considering having a swimming pool at home, people should keep in mind the size, depth, and style of the pool they will have built. They should also take into consideration the price tag that comes with having a pool built and maintained.

1. Learn about zoning laws

Building a pool requires digging a hole into the ground. There are laws governing land or lots’ uses and occupancy by restricting them from certain uses or types of structures to be built on them.

If you find reading about the law a task difficult without an expert’s guidance, some companies provide legal assistance or advice. Doing so will help assure that you are not going against any established law regarding building structures such as swimming pools.

2. Pick the pool you want

There are three main types of in-ground pool structures that can be built depending on the location:

  • Vinyl-lined
  • Fiberglass
  • Concrete (cascade hybrid and sprayed)

In deciding which type of pool is the best for your needs and your lot type, it will help determine what you can about these pool types and weigh and up and downsides of each type. It will also help to consult pool builders who can walk you through the options available.

swimming pool

3. Find a circulation system with good quality

Whatever type of water you decide to fill your new swimming pool with, or if you place it indoors or outdoors—you will need a system that circulates water to keep your pool fresh. There are a lot of systems that came about due to technological advances. Efficiency, automation, and heating are the ones you should look out for.

4. Know your limitations when it comes to maintenance

It is a no-brainer that pools are not the easiest home improvement structures to maintain. The proper construction of this structure requires consistent maintenance services to maintain its value.

They are valuable assets when you get to a time when you will sell your house; however, if you fail to keep your pool in good shape, having it will decrease the value of your property.

5. Find a good contractor

This construction project requires heavy equipment to be done efficiently. One cannot simply dig a hole in their backyard and fill it with water. In building a swimming pool, you will need to hire excavators, pool builders, water circulation system installers, and electricians for lighting.

If you want to make it easier on yourself because you do not have the time to reach out to separate contractors, there are pool construction companies that can sort everything out for you.

How much would it cost you to have a pool built?

The cost of building a pool can cost you between $35,000 to $60,000 for fiberglass. Pool models built with concrete—cascade hybrid and sprayed—can go from $35,000 to $150,000. If you plan to go for custom-made pools of your choice, you will be spending up to over a hundred thousand dollars on construction alone.

The costs above do not include maintenance fees after the pool is built. That is why building a pool should be weighted heavily, especially if you are running on a specific budget. Home maintenance costs can skyrocket once a pool is added. 

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