

preparing food

Top-Earning Service-Oriented Businesses Or Industries You Can Explore

If you’re thinking of establishing a business or transition to a different niche in the service sector, you’re not alone. In fact, research has shown that the population of independent and service-oriented business owners makes up over 34% of the total United States workforce — making it an opportunistic and profitable sector anyone can explore. Whether you’re

Top-Earning Service-Oriented Businesses Or Industries You Can Explore Read More

woman working

What Makes An Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurs are everywhere, from your next-door neighbor running an online tutoring side-hustle to the well-established commissioned real estate agents, each one of them has their own unique ventures and expertise. However, people often build a misconception around these business-minded individuals, claiming that their end goal is just turning a profit and that it’s luck that

What Makes An Entrepreneur? Read More

Adulthood and Dreams: Why So Many Adults Give Up and Fall into Despair

When we were children, one of our favorite questions to answer was probably “What you do want to be when you grow up?” Every time we hear that our imaginations would automatically run wild, picturing ourselves in various professions and levels of success. And because we’re too young and innocent, we thought that the ticket

Adulthood and Dreams: Why So Many Adults Give Up and Fall into Despair Read More

work stress

Going Freelance: Three Things that Turn Off Potential Clients

With so many professionals going freelance nowadays, it could get harder and harder for beginners to get clients. If you feel you’re just as–if not more–persistent as others but you’re still not bagging new jobs, then the problem might be lying elsewhere. It’s time to sit down and evaluate yourself. What are the things you

Going Freelance: Three Things that Turn Off Potential Clients Read More

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