Segregating Household Waste Properly Lessens Your Carbon Footprint


Waste management is not something that we should be indifferent about. Sadly, people don’t understand that taking care of our planet means taking care of our business at home, too. Not throwing garbage on the streets does not do enough to save our depleting natural resources. The work of recycling waste begins with the proper segregation of garbage in our homes and offices.

Wastewater recycling system facilities often hand out flyers and manuals to households. The aim is to brief the general public on the importance of segregating waste and making sure that it can either be recycled or easily composted. Mixing up different kinds of waste—corrosive materials, paper, plastics, and soiled food, for example—is unacceptable.

If you want to contribute more to saving our environment from further degradation, you need to understand what happens when you segregate waste in your home or office.

Avoid Depleting Resources

Proper waste management at home means the reduction in the depletion of the earth’s natural resources. When you segregate waste properly, you can reuse paper, glass bottles, and steel cans. All of these are highly recyclable materials. You can use bottles and cans many times over. You can use them as planters or as canisters in the garage to hold nails and other small hardware accessories. If you do not want to reuse them, you can bring them to a recycling facility.

Transform Waste into Reusable Materials

Paper, bottles, and cans are not the only things from your household waste that can be reused. Twigs, grass clippings, soiled food, animal waste, and many others can be turned into compost and be used as organic fertiliser for your garden. This is also used in the agricultural sector to boost the land’s nutritional value and grow better crops.

When you turn your waste into organic fertilisers, you reduce the production of artificial and chemical-based fertilisers. The production of these fertilisers increases the need to burn fossil fuel and coal. As for non-recyclable waste, it goes through a process of incineration that can generate electricity.

Avoid the Use of Landfills

Landfill full of scraps

When you get your garbage mixed up, you lessen the recyclable value of the materials. As a result, the facilities tasked to turn your garbage into useful materials might deem it as unfit and unsuitable for the process. It will just end up in landfills, which coincidentally generates toxic substances in the air, water, and land.

Lower Energy Consumption

Do you know that it takes less energy to recycle waste than it is to manufacture products? Manufacturing paper from virgin materials requires extraction and processing. This consumes more energy than simply recycling used paper, cans, bottles, pens, and many other things. Asphalt, for example, can be recycled up to almost 98% of its original composition. With aluminium, you can save up to 95% of the energy required to process it from scratch.

Most of the places you’ll go to have some kind of waste management solution. The fact that it is required by federal laws helps environmentalists push the agenda further. But most American households still fail to contribute to environmental protection by simply segregating their waste. Think about it: Not only are you helping the environment with the simple act of having different trash bins for different kinds of waste, but you’re also helping workers in the recycling facilities do their job more easily and better.

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